This can be verified by looking at the “Tools” drop-down menu to see
if “Biometric Signature ID” is listed near the bottom. To adjust the
availability at course level the following steps can be used:
For detailed instructions on how to create enrollment instructions in
your course please communicate with your BSI contact or consult: Blackboard Learn (Enrollment Instructions)
The enrollment instructions can be adapted to fit your institution's
needs. Please feel free to modify the word or other aspects. It is
advisable to add the enrollment process in a place easy for your
users/students to find.
Creating the enrollment link within Blackboard is easy as adding a course instance. From the Tools menu drop down, Choose Biometric Signature ID .
Each method will be explained in separate detail. The recommended
method is to use Quiz Intercept by itself or in conjunction with the
other methods.
Any Blackboard course content item that has support for adaptive
release conditions can be configured to be "gated" by a BioSig-ID
validation. This is easily added using the same method we used
previously to add the enrollment/practice validation.
In the previous sets we created the tool instance to "gate" an item. Now we need to set the adaptive release conditions.
Note: If the instructor has dates of
availability set and the student completes the BioSig-ID validation
prior to the display date, they will not be able to access the item even
if they validate successfully. Likewise, if the user/student
validates successfully when the item is no longer available they will
not see the item.
The result will look like:
To make the course only accessible after a successful BioSig-ID you may follow these steps:
It is very easy to activate BioSig-ID for a quiz or any other item
that is supported. Click the Chevron next to the quiz item to see if it
is currently intercepted. If (Disabled) shows next to BioSig-ID options then the quiz is not intercepted. If (Enabled) shows next to BioSig-ID options then the quiz will be intercepted and the user will be required to validate prior to accessing the assessment.
![]() | ![]() |
Changing the status of a quiz intercept is as easy as clicking on the Chevron and toggling between the two options.
Quizzes can also be "gated" by adaptive release or the course
intercept options. However, it is important to not burden the student
with too many validation requests. Usually once a day or weekly is more
than sufficient.
Please consult your institution's policy on the recommended guidelines for BioSig-ID validations.
Converting from Adaptive Release to Quiz Intercept is easy. Simply
delete the BioSig-ID instance attached to adaptive release and activate
the Quiz Intercept (Enabled).