Establishing a BioSig-ID™ profile is a one-time occurrence that obviously needs to be explained to the student to avoid confusion and to make it as easy as possible. To that extend the following explanation can be incorporated within Blackboard.
The instructions can be added to a dedicated engage/on-boarding course, or to each course individually that will use BioSig-ID™. The benefit of using a single course is that any modifications in the future only need to be made once, but BioSig-ID™ has full support for the Blackboard replication system to yield the same results if templates are modified.
: BioSig-ID™ Blackboard building block installed and made available.
Start off by creating an empty menu page content page called "BioSig-ID™ Enrollment" and check the box to make it available for students.
Then inside the content area use "Tools" -> "Biometric Signature ID" to add the following building block tool instance:
: Triple click on each title or description to select the entire text for easy copying (CTRL+C) to the clipboard.
BioSig-ID™ Enrollment/Practice (click here)
Use this to enroll a new BioSig-ID™ profile for the first time, or practice validating one that you've already created.
When adding this instance be sure to switch to "HTML-source" when pasting the 'description' below by using the 'HTML' button inside the Blackboard WYSIWYG editor. If that button is not visible already, use the button on the far right side that has two arrows pointing down to show more options.
BioSig-ID™ Enrollment
BioSig-ID™ Enrollment + BioProof-ID™
Title |
BioSig-ID™ Enrollment
+ BioSight-ID™
BioSig-ID™ Enrollment
+ BioProof-ID™ + BioSight-ID™