No Validations Since

No Validations Since

About this report

This report will provide you with a list of users who have not validated within a specified date range.  From this report, you will be able to quickly see users who may not be active in the course, those struggling with validation or those who have dropped the course.

For best results with this report, we suggest that BioSig-ID validations are often and regular throughout the entire course. With proper course set up, this report can be useful to Financial Aid to calculate the last date of attendance or activity.

How to run this report

Settings & selections:

  1. Date Range - Select one of the predefined dates or click on Basic to change to toggle to Custom
  2. Partner - Select the Partner or "LMS" system.  For more than one LMS system leave this as "Unspecified"
  3. Account - For client users the Account will be automatically selected.
  4. Days Since Last Activity - This is the number of days since the last validation.  In order for the report to run the Date Range must be larger than the number of days since last activity.

To run click the Generate Report button 

Viewing and downloading the report

After you click the Generate Report button the History tab will show you all the reports that you have run in the past 24 hours.

Generate another report and viewing previously ran reports

Click on the +Generate   tab to run another report for a different time frame, course or session.

Click on the History  tab  to view a report that has been run within the previous 24 hours.

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