Course Set-Up

Course Set-Up

Best Practices

There are a few best practices that we would like to share when adding BioSig-ID to courses.  We will discuss instructions, placement of BioSig-ID and how often a user should validate in a course.  Institutional polices are another topic that will aid in the adoption of BioSig-ID and provide guidance to your students and faculty members.


We strongly recommend that instructions are provided in each course the first week or module of the course.  The first time user encounters BioSig-ID they may have questions as to why BioSig-ID is being used and how to create their BioSig-ID password.  If the student has previously created a BioSig-ID password, they will use this same password in all courses at your institution.  This password will not change unless they request a password reset. 

These instructions will also direct students on how to get assistance if they encounter difficulties with their password.

Placement of BioSig-ID Tool Instances

BioSig-ID can be placed before any content item where you can set adaptive release or prerequisites (see LMS documentation for more information and instructions). 

Placement of Quiz Intercepts

BioSig-ID can be required on quiz intercepts in most LMS platforms (see LMS documentation for more information and instructions). 

How Often Should the User Validate?

This is a common question that we get asked a lot!  For the most part this should be driven by your institutional policy surrounding BioSig-ID validations. 

We recommend that users enroll early and validate often.  One reason for this is because the more a user validates the more they become accustomed to drawing their password.  It also helps with recall of the password which reduces the number of times a student may have to reset and re-enroll another password.  Additionally, the more you have a student validate the more data and analytics we can provide that establishes pattern and behavior of the end user.

Finally, our product is unique in that the more you validate the password the stronger the password becomes making it impossible for an imposter to validate.

Making BioSig-ID Required or Optional

In our experience,  adoption of BioSig-ID within an institution is more successful when users are required to authenticate their identity as part of an institution-wide initiative.  Federal regulations are requiring compliance with student authentication more so now than ever before.   When the option to include BioSig-ID, is left up to the faculty we have found that adoption rates are very low. Reason for this maybe that faculty feel that they have enough to do and do not want one more thing "to do".  Many of our clients use a centralized approach when adding BioSig-ID to courses.  BioSig-ID can be added to master courses and copied from term to term without much effort. 

Institutional Policies

The following are samples that can be adapted or revised to fit your institutional policies.

Sample institutional policy:

As required by federal law and regional accreditors it is the responsibility of {insert school name here} to confirm the identity of all students who take online courses. Authenticating student identities throughout their coursework ensures the academic integrity of the institution while also preserving the quality of the online degree you earn. To meet the requirements of federal law and regional accreditation, {insert school name here} requires online students to authenticate their identity through BioSig-ID™.

BioSig-ID™ requires that you create a biometric password with a mouse, stylus, or your finger on a variety of computers and devices. Your biometric password cannot be replicated by someone else. You will be required authenticate your identity with BioSig-ID prior to completing quizzes and exams as well as periodically throughout each course. All authentications take place within {insert LMS Name}.

Identify Authentication Requirements for Project Based Courses

Classes that do not contain quizzes or exams and are considered project-based courses will be required to authenticate students identities at least once per week.

Sample syllabus statement

{Insert institution name} is required by federal law and regional accreditors to confirm the identity of all students who take online courses. Authenticating students’ identities throughout their coursework ensures the academic integrity of the institution while also preserving the quality of the online degree you earn. To meet the requirements of federal law and regional accreditation, {Institution name} requires online students to authenticate their identity through BioSig ID.

BioSig ID requires that you create a biometric password with a mouse, stylus, or your finger on a variety of computers and devices. Your biometric password cannot be replicated by someone else. You will be required authenticate your identity with BioSig ID prior to completing quizzes and exams as well as periodically throughout each course. All authentications take place within {insert LMS Name}. Please see the {where enrollment link is in course} in {insert LMS Name} for further details.

Course Set Up Services

BioSig-ID also provides course set up services for a small cost.  If you find that your institution needs assistance in adding BioSig-ID to courses, please reach out to us to discuss how we can help.

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