Blackboard Support & Feature List

Blackboard Support & Feature List

Updated: December 2021 to reflect LTI 1.3/Proctoring development.


Original View
Ultra View
BioSig-ID Tool Instance
This allows BioSig-ID™ to mimic a gradable item and via rely on adaptive-release conditions to lock other course items.

BioSig-ID™ quiz intercept
Forces a validation via BioSig-ID™ before the quiz opens

BioSig-ID™ course intercept
Prevents course from being accessible without a successful validation

Proctoring Support
Moves the security within the Blackboard test-assessment item
BioSig-ID™ Admin App
Easy way to manage BioSig-ID™ usage within a course

  1. No REST API support available to automatically configure visibility release conditions, so instructors/course designers unfortunately need to configure this manually.
  2. Available through LTI 1.3/Advantage-Proctoring for BioSig-ID™ and BioSight-ID™.
  3. Can be emulated by putting a BioSig-ID™ tool-instance as the very first item in the course and adding it as the visibility release condition to the rest of the course. Using content folders makes this much easier by moving all the existing course content into a folder and then having a single visibility release condition configured on the folder. Combining the enrollment/practice link for this also works in which case they should be extracted out of the folder that is normally created via the Content Market.
  1. Blackboard Original View Admin App is handled via LTI.  The Ultra View access relies on LTI 1.3/Advantage and is handled via the Content Market or by launching existing BioSig-ID instances as an admin or instructor.

Extended Product Compatibility

Original View
 Ultra View
Adds the option to verify that the end-user is the right person by comparing selfie to government photo-ID. Feature is LMS-agnostic and therefore supported anywhere BioSig-ID™ works

Monitors the end-user during a quiz

BioSight-ID™ Dashboard
Integrates the BioSight-ID™ dashboard within the LMS Course Tools menu via SSO

Random Intercepts
Extends the LMS quizzes to support random intercepts within the quiz

4.      This is now achieved via a custom LTI 1.3 link.

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