Instructors create an instance of the module in their course and use its
associated grade book column to give students access to one or more
other content items (such as an assignment).
Creating a Tool instance
Add a tool instance of the BSI module as follows:
Ensure that editing mode is on
Navigate to the area of the course where the instance is to be placed
Select the Biometric Signature ID entry from the "Add an activity or resource" pop-up
Enter the name and description (optional) for this instance; check the box to have the description appear on the course page. For advanced usage on custom
report substitution rely on the "ID number" field in the "Common module
settings" section. The "Attempts allowed" option is useful for the
practice link in the enrollment instructions.
Click on the "Save and return to Course button"
A grade book column associated with this instance will be automatically created.
Apply Tool Instance
An instance of the BSI module may be used to hide/reveal other activities or resources by creating restrict access rules.
Edit the settings for the resource or activity whose access is to be controlled
From the "Add restriction..." dialog use the "Grade" button
Select the name given to the BSI module instance from the "Grade" condition drop-down list of grade book column names. This is where
descriptive names on new tool-instances showcase their importance when
multiple course items are gated.
Place a check mark next to "must be
" enter "
100" in the box for the grade condition entry
Click on the "Save and return to course" button
Repeat these steps for any other activities or resources to be released to students once they have verified their identity
To force a student to re-verify their identity, click on the BSI module
instance and select their name from the drop-down list of students who
have been verified. Instructors should NOT override the grade in the
grade book.
Quiz Intercepts
Forcing a student to verify their identity on a Moodle quiz is really
easy if the BioSig-ID™ quiz intercept module is installed. Activating
the feature is then as easy as 1-2-3.
Edit the settings on a quiz
Expand the "Extra restrictions on attempts" section and adjust the BioSig-ID™ Quiz intercept checkbox as needed
Click on the "Save and return to course" button
IMPORTANT: Due to a known conflict with the Respondus
Lockdown Browser this setting is ignored if the "Browser Security"
settings in this same section (expand all the options via "Show more..."
link) relies on the Respondus Lockdown Browser. Use the BioSig-ID™ Tool
Instance method to still add the extra security layer for the time
being while we work with Respondus on a solution.
Course Construct Report (Admin)
Within 'Site Administration' under the 'Reports' tab there should be a
'BioSig-ID™ Course Construct Report' option available if the respective
module was installed.
Introduction The Biometric Signature ID (BSI) Building Block for Blackboard Learn 9.1 provides a mechanism to require a user/student to validate their identity when needed. This process is split between enrollment for the user to create their initial ...
Please follow the Moodle LTI instructions on adding BioSig-ID™ as an external tool. The LTI Consumer key, Shared secret, and Tool URL will be provided upon request to existing clients. The privacy settings as shown by the Moodle's instructions need ...
The Biometric Signature ID (BSI) LTI 1.3/Advantage integration for Blackboard Learn Ultra View courses provides a mechanism to require a user/student to validate their identity when needed. This process is split between enrollment for the user to ...
This article will show you how to easily add a BioSig-ID™ validation inside a Schoology course. BioSig-ID validations can be placed within the course prior to items such as discussion boards, quizzes or assignments. If you need additional ...
Introduction ATTENTION: Moodle 3.10+ requires BioSig-ID™ Moodle module v2020122400 or higher. The BioSig-ID™ Module for Moodle provides a mechanism by which a user may be redirected to BSI's BioSig-ID™ Identity verification system and the ...