Adding BioSig-ID to a Schoology Course

Adding BioSig-ID to a Schoology Course

This article will show you how to easily add a BioSig-IDâ„¢ validation inside a Schoology course.  BioSig-ID validations can be placed within the course prior to items such as discussion boards, quizzes or assignments.  If you need additional assistance do not hesitate to reach out to the BioSig-ID team.

Create BioSig-ID Assignment

Navigate to the place where you would like to add the BioSig-ID validation.  In this case, the quiz we would like to validate is located in Lesson 2 folder.

After clicking on Lesson 2 we will then see a list of all assignments with the folder. If we hover between the two assignments we will see a green + sign.  Clicking on the green plus sign will allow you to add an File/Link/External tool.

Alternatively, you can click on Add Materials at the top of the folder and selecting Add Assignment.

Choose External Tool

Populate the Dialogue Box

Tool Provider:  Select BioSig from dropdown box

Title:  Use a format similar to this "BioSig-ID Validation - Name of the Assignment"

Enable Grading:  Add checkmark to the box

Category:  Choose Ungraded (otherwise it will show in your gradebook)

Click Submit

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