Adding BioSig-ID to a Course in Jenzabar

Adding BioSig-ID to a Course in Jenzabar

A BioSig-ID™ validation can be placed before any content item where "rules" can be used.  This will require a user to validate successfully prior to accessing the content item. 

Creating a Tool Instance

To add a BioSig-ID validation you will first create the BioSig-ID assignment.
Go to the unit where you would like to place a BioSig-ID validation
Click "Add an Assignment"

Choose "The Basic Format"

In "Step One: General Assignment Information", enter the following information:
Name = BioSig-ID™ Validation + {Name of Assignment}
Due Date = Enter a due date *optional
Grading = Graded, 1 Point, Not Included in Final Grade

Under "Step Two: Basic Assignment Options"
Click the down arrow next to "The Learning for this assignment" and select BioSig-ID™ from the drop-down menu

Under "Step Three: Instructions & Files" click "Save your new assignment"

Apply the BioSig-ID Validation to a Content Item

Now that we have created a BioSig-ID Validation assignment we will add rules and apply it to a content item. Click on the pencil icon next to the assignment you where you will require a BioSig-ID validation.

For the content item you will set up the content information as you normally would.  We will add some rules that will require a successful validation of BioSig-ID in order to gain access.

Open : Based I rules I define
Check Display to students before it is open
All of the following rules/groups must be satisfied.
Add rule:
When "an assignment" (Select An Assignment) "has a score great than or equal to 100%"
Click on "(Select An Assignment)" to choose the corresponding BioSig-ID™ validation.
Note:  This is why it is important to name your BioSig-ID Validation assignments to correspond with the item.
Select the BioSig-ID Validation that must be completed before the content item is made available.

Quickly double check that you have selected the correct BioSig-ID validation. 

Finally, Save your assignment

Students will be able to see the course content item but will not be able to access it until they have successfully validated.

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